Promotions & News

【Dine and Shop on us! 🍽️🛍️ With up to 5%* cash rebate!】

TEMPUR invites you to enjoy food and shopping rewards! With up to 5%* cash rebate!   Eat happily and shop smart! Whether you're a food lover or a shopping expert, during this March, dining and shopping could enjoy cash rebate at TEMPUR®! From now until March 31, TEMPUR®️ in collaboration with SEALY, Built-in Pro on “Dine and Shop on us” Campaign, your spending on dining and shopping could be shopping rewards!

Promotion 1: Dine on us

Upon presenting any dining receipts from Hong Kong restaurants at all TEMPUR® Galleries, you could instantly enjoy cash rebate with up to maximum 5%* from your TEMPUR® net spending.

Promotion 2: Shop on us

With the purchase receipt from SEALY or Built-in Pro, you could use the receipts as cash when shopping at TEMPUR®️, instantly enjoy cash rebate with up to maximum 5%* from your new TEMPUR® net spending order!  

Terms and Conditions:

* The promotion period ends on March 31, 2025. * An official receipt from a Hong Kong restaurant or participating merchants must be presented for enjoying “Dine and shop on us” cash rebate campaign. Each receipt could be used once and could not be reused. * Each order could only enjoy cash rebate once with either one dining or shopping receipt. * The cash rebate amount is based on the net spending amount of the receipts from Hong Kong restaurants and participating merchants, with a maximum 5% cash rebate on the net value of the order. * To enjoy the “Dine on us” campaign, same day dining receipts is required. * To enjoy the “Shop on us” campaign, a receipt from participating merchants between period Mar 1 – 31, 2024 is required.

* 'Dine on Us' & 'Shop on Us' offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional privileges or on products priced below half-price. 'Dine on Us' & 'Shop on Us' offers cannot be used on the same order simultaneously. In case of any dispute, the decision of TEMPUR HK and the participating merchants shall be the final.

【Danish made Bedding with up to 50% off + extra cash rebate at TEMPUR® Gallery 📢】

Planning for new bedding? Have you ever tried the only mattress brand recognized by NASA? The Danish-made TEMPUR® bedding adopts pressure-relieving materials originated by NASA, and this double buff of TEMPUR® x NASA x Danish-made is definitely a guarantee of comfort and relaxation. Come visit nearby TEMPUR® Gallery for enjoying the 50% off* + extra cash rebate!

  TEMPUR®️ Gallery promotional offer:

  📢 New TEMPUR®️ FORM Original 22 (Medium) mattress 50% off + extra cashback from $13,930 - New Great Price for Danish-made quality, and NASA original technology for exceptional pressure relieving sleep experience, which could minimize turning and tossing at night!

  📢TEMPUR PRO® PLUS FIRM mattress model 50% off + extra cashback from $16,400 – Adapting from all-new TEMPUR®️ Advanced Material, which relieves 20% more pressure 🆙 across your body, absorbs more motion and adapts better than ever to every inch of you.

   【All-new TEMPUR® PRO mattress I 🪐 NASA recognized pressure relieving materials – Exceptional Pressure Relieving Sleep Experience!】


  📢German-made Premium Flex 2000 automation bedframe 40%off  from $20,880 -  Powered by German-made motors operated by remote control, ease yourself into a comfortable position then relax. The bed base comes with new sleeping technologies to provide the most personalized support ever.

  ▍TEMPUR®️ Danish-made Pillow 40% off

  📢 Best for minimize snoring - Millennium Pillow 40% off from $1,248 - specialised design and uniquely contoured notch shape, precisely supports your natural curvature to align your head, neck and shoulders.       【TEMPUR® Best Ergonomic Pillow】


  📢Symphony Pillow 40% off from$1,368  - Our gently sloping, dual-sided pillow gives you all-night pressure relief and support. One side has a more traditional pillow feel for back side sleeping, while the other slopes down for extra support whilst lying on your side.

  *All offers are subject to terms and conditions. In case of any dispute, the final decision of TEMPUR shall prevail. 1 The company and its products were recognised by NASA. At a joint press conference on May 6, 1998, NASA recognised TEMPUR®’s outstanding achievements in adapting the original NASA technology for everyday use and improving the quality of life for humankind. 2 TEMPUR products are certified as "Certified Space Technology" by the Space Foundation, an American non-profit organization, because they contain technologies originally intended for space. Further information about the Space Foundation and its Certified Space Technology program can be found at

【晚晚都要睡覺,但你真的懂得怎樣「訓個好覺」?世界兩人暢銷床品Sealy x TEMPUR® 聯乘 | HomeSquare 睡眠探知館🛏️ 】

晚晚都要睡覺,但你真的懂得怎樣「訓個好覺」?等世界兩大暢銷床品品牌 ─ Sealy X TEMPUR®帶同最新睡眠研究同專家的睡眠貼士,聯手打造 HomeSquare 期間限定「睡眠探知館」,讓你親身體驗頂級科研而成嘅的舒適睡感,即日至3月10日可以用會場限定優惠價*將心水床品帶回家!



✨EASE 20 舒壓床褥 限時5折 + 額外現金回贈 —— 體驗價$10,412起(建議零售價$23,600 起)

✨全新 FORM Plus 25 FIRM 床褥 限時5折 + 額外現金回贈 —— 體驗價$16,400起(建議零售價$32,800起)

✨指定皇牌丹麥製舒壓枕頭 —— 均一價$1,368(建議零售價$2,080 - $2,580)

即刻嚟HomeSquare 睡眠床品展,體驗多款Sealy 及 TEMPUR® 床品:

地點:HomeSquare 中庭地下
查詢 : 2877 3468


條款及細則: *優惠只適用於指定型號。優惠受條款及細則約束,如有任何爭議,概以TEMPUR保留最終決定權。 @TEMPUR®️ 的舒壓放鬆物料,令TEMPUR®️成為唯一獲美國太空總署NASA認可的床褥品牌。

【New Great Price ✨ Original Space Tech:ALL NEW TEMPUR®️ FORM Original 22 mattress】

With global footprint across over 90 countries, TEMPUR® has been transforming the sleep of millions. Besides, being the only mattress brand recognized by NASA for improving the quality of life, TEMPUR® continues to innovate for sleep – bringing you with the ALL NEW Denmark-made TEMPUR® FORM™ Original 22 mattress, with much better price and original NASA formula on pressure relieving materials.

Newly launched FORM™ Original 22 mattress provides you with 2 Firmness – FIRM and MEDIUM to suit your sleeping preference.

Come visit TEMPUR® Gallery on trying the newly launched TEMPUR® FORM™ Original 22 mattress!

1The company and its products were recognised by NASA. At a joint press conference on May 6, 1998, NASA recognised TEMPUR®’s outstanding achievements in adapting the original NASA technology for everyday use and improving the quality of life for humankind.

2Visit for certification information.

【TEMPUR 床褥享免息分期月供低至$580^】

於TEMPUR®️ 專門店購買任何型號丹麥製床褥,即可享高達24個月免息分期,每月低至$580*,輕鬆享受NASA認可@嘅舒壓適睡眠體驗!

立即去TEMPUR®️ 專門店搵我哋了解更多啦!

*計劃只適用於TEMPUR®️ 專門店,不適用於其他零售商。優惠受條款及細則約束,如有任何爭議,TEMPUR®️ 保留最終決定權。 ^價錢以FORM™️ Original 22 型號 (90cm x 190cm) 計算。 @TEMPUR®️ 的專利物料,令TEMPUR®️成為唯一獲美國太空總署NASA認可的床褥品牌。

【🚀✨TEMPUR®️ x NASA|重新定義深度舒壓放鬆睡眠💤】

試過科技與舒壓放鬆融合嘅深度睡眠嗎?採用源自 NASA嘅專利物料,TEMPUR®️ PRO 床褥系列係 TEMPUR睡眠工程師與 NASA科技的頂尖結晶,獨具6大特點,將高品質睡眠推進提升到新維度! 帶你窺探新世代舒壓床褥!



立即到TEMPUR®️ 專門店,讓TEMPUR®️ PRO 系列床褥為你帶嚟真正嘅舒適睡眠體驗!

*根據Dan-Foam Aps在2021年2至7月所進行的內部測試比較TEMPUR®️ Original和TEMPUR®️升級舒壓物料結果所得。 @TEMPUR®️ 的專利物料,令TEMPUR成為唯一獲美國太空總署NASA認可的床褥品牌。

【Want to rest thoroughly at home? Take a peek at TEMPUR Accessories】

One of the great pleasures during the holiday is to rest on bed. While you enjoy them TEMPUR Bed Wedge offers a complete relaxation with exclusive patented TEMPUR material inside.

What’s more, TEMPUR Long Hug Pillow gives you a soft, smooth and personalized comfort! These two accessories are made of NASA-certified TEMPUR material.

Buy now to enjoy limited-time offers.

^TEMPUR mattresses and pillows are recognized by NASA and the US Space foundation.

Watch Now!

【Tackle the nightmares of driving! 】

Traffic jam or long-distance driving are the nightmares of driving. Maintaining the same posture for a long time can cause back pain! In fact, as long as you add a special cushion at the car seat, your pressure can be relieved! In addition, do prepare a premium sleep mask during transit, so your friend can seize the time to relax!

TEMPUR’s Transit Lumbar Support and Eye mask help you solve theproblems! The products adopt the patent material certified by NASA, and are up to EU health standards.

Enjoy the limited-time discount and come visit TEMPUR Galleries and department store counters!

【 TEMPUR: Secrets to help Mom-to-be relax! 】

During pregnancy, the belly is getting heavier, and many mom-to-be would have low back pain and foot cramps. With the use of lumbar pad to support the abdomen while the feet using foot pad to relieve pressure, you can have a good rest!

Bed Back Support & Universal Pillow help the mom-to-be feel more comfortable and relaxing. The products are in line with EU health standards, so that you can use it with peace of mind!
Want to know more product details? TEMPUR® Bed Back Support & Universal Pillow:
#TEMPUR® has become the No. 1 mattress and pillow brand in the "Overall Sleep Quality" and "Overall Customer Satisfaction" in the opinion survey of more than 1,300 users in 13 European countries.

Watch Now!

【Explore TEMPUR Pillow cutting edge Design I More than 90% users recommended!Limited offer】

The wrong kind of pillow can wreak havoc on your sleep. Find your perfect pillow today!

TEMPUR Gallery and Counter are now offering limited time offer on Millennium Pillow,

TEMPUR eshop : Limited discount & Free Delivery

Why this Denmark-made, CE certificated pillow become so popular? Watch the video!

Why not try out
TEMPUR® products
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